Welcome to Bonadea II – Diomedea enjoy an ecological whale watching tour in the south of Tenerife.
The company Bonadea II has been working for more than 29 years in passenger sailing and whale watching.
The company’s aim is to show its clients dolphins, whales and other marine fauna in their natural habitat, as well as to conserve and protect the marine environment.
It holds the flag “Barco Azul”, a boat authorized by the Ministry of Tourism of the Canary Islands Government and the Ministry of Environment of Spain for the activity of whale watching, we are also attached to the Quality Charter of Tourism of Tenerife.
We carry out our activity in the Special Conservation Zone (ZEC) Teno-Rasca marine strip integrated in the Natura 2000 Network.
Our Services
BONADEA II offers several ecological tour options to observe whales and dolphins in their natural habitat.
At the scheduled time, departing from pontoon 4 of Puerto Colon, we will set sail in search of cetaceans, we will sail in the special conservation area Teno-Rasca and up to a distance of 3 miles from the coast reaching a depth of one thousand meters.
We will go in search of the short-finned pilot whale, one of the main resident species of Tenerife.
As soon as we leave the dock very close to the coast we can already find dolphins, turtles and seabirds, with luck we may also see some of the migratory cetaceans that frequent the Canary Islands.
We will approach at a safe distance so as not to disturb them and be able to observe, photograph and record them, the crew will be happy to explain and show you the information about cetaceans that we have on board. Then we will return to the port contemplating the wonderful views that the island offers us from the sea: El Teide, Arona, Adeje, Guía de Isora, Vilaflor, Santiago del Teide, etc.
Private Ecological Tour by hours ideal for families, friends, couples or specialized groups of nature photographers and researchers looking to discover the ocean and live an experience in a respectful and close way to the marine environment.

Online reservation
You can book or buy your ticket on this website. You can also buy a gift ticket for whoever you want.
We recommend booking in advance, limited places.

The DIOMEDEA our new high mobility boat, for whale and bird watching, marine environmental protection, research projects and fight against plastic waste.
You will be able to make a totally exclusive and personalized ecological tour, in a shared or private way.
Our ZODIAC is the nº1 brand in semi-rigid boats, with unequalled safety and comfort, it is 7m long and 2,50m wide, with comfortable seats for 6 occupants and solarium in the bow.
The Suzuki 200 engine is the most sustainable of the market, with the latest technology, silent and low consumption.
Suzuki is currently developing the Clean Ocean Project https://www.globalsuzuki.com/marine/environment/ , our revisions are carried out by the official workshop, guaranteeing the recycling of oils and other parts.

Cetacean Patron and Guide
Certificates and Accreditations

Patrón y guía de cetáceos
Diplomas y Acreditaciones
Enjoy listening to how whales and dolphins communicate with our hydrophone.
Pilot Whales
Pilot Whales
Spotted Dolphin
False killer whale
We are responsible, we conserve, care for and protect the marine environment, collecting plastic garbage from the ocean and helping marine animals in trouble. We participate in various research and outreach projects.
We also collaborate with the recovery and release of turtles and seabirds with the wildlife recovery center La Tahonilla of Cabildo de Tenerife.
Monitoring of populations and identification of pilot whales, fin whales and beaked whales with Asociación Tonina y Calderones de Canarias, we took several samples for the University of La Laguna.

Tourist Intermediary I-0003351.2
We do not organize or commercialize combined trips.
Claim forms are available from 10:00-18:00.
General Conditions of the Excursions

Bonadea II
Bonadea II
Pantalán 4

Tourist Intermediary I-0003351.2
We do not organize or commercialize combined trips.
Claim forms are available from 10:00-18:00.
General Conditions of the Excursionss

Bonadea II
Bonadea II
Pantalán 4